Patient Testimonials
Our greatest achievements are recognised by the many letters and photos we receive from our patients whom we have helped overcome infertility and give birth to a healthy baby. These thoughtful comments and stories are just several of the communications we receive regularly. We hope you find these to be as inspirational and heart warming as we do!
Please feel free to send us your feedback
Thank You

I can’t believe that in just a few days, on the seventh of February 2024 , my boys Raphael and Gabriel will turn seven, and Eliana just turned three years old.
Time has flown by so fast, and it feels like I was just walking into your clinic yesterday. From the depths of my heart, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible gift you have given me in my life – my children.
I feel incredibly blessed to have crossed paths with you and to have experienced your love and support throughout the entire process. It wasn’t an easy journey, but you have always been there, unwavering in your support. I have always felt that no matter what, you had my back.
Being with you, I finally found the family I had been searching for, and it is a blessing beyond words. Today, I realize that the moment I was ready to receive love, the moment I was ready to be emotionally strong and accept that life isn’t always easy, everything changed. As long as you have the conscious choice and the consistency to pursue what you want, with the right people by your side, family and love become possible.
God blessed you all doctors , medical stuff , PA, laboratory stuff , security at the door and so on.
With all my love and deepest respect
Liliana |
Johannesburg | Sandton 2196
Greetings to my amazing team at Medfem Clinic, I did my pregnancy blood test yesterday, and it came out positive. My husband and I just wish to thank you people so much. May God bless you all.
Cleo and her husband.
A blessed day to you Dr Van Schouberg (retired)
Tariro and I wanted to send you the pictures of our babies. They were born on 7.1.21 @ 1:38 pm and 1:40 pm at 37 weeks and 4 days of pregnancy term. . We have named them Idris Nathanial for our boy, who was 2.38 kg and 51 cm, and Eden Elizabeth for our girl, who was 2.45 kg and 47 cm. They are both healthy and strong, no complications whatsoever. Tariro is doing great. The C section went well and she is recovering well.
We both wanted to thank you so much Doctor for helping us. From the very beginning, Tariro’s surgical procedure in 2019 to our visits with you, you were so kind and considerate of us. Being locked down in SA was one of the hardest times in our lives, and the uncertainty whilst being pregnant was scary. Yet a consistent part of our stay in SA was meeting with you for her check ups, even when you didn’t have to. And by the grace of God, and through your hands, we have our twin miracles.
We also wanted to thank the staff and Medfem. Without hesitation every person at the clinic was more than helpful. The whole team was a pleasure at all times. As promised, I have attached some pictures of the twins, along with pictures of bishop Tudor with his grandchildren. Both my parents also extend their heartfelt gratitude towards you and the Medfem team.
Again thank you and God bless you sir, and Tariro and I pray we get to meet you again with our babies and say it in person.

Dear Medfem
I wish to thank each and every doctor, nurse, receptionist and finance team who helped us through our 2 year journey. No one ever worries about infertility (especially at 29 years old), I am so grateful there is a place that is willing to care and help every person through the unspoken troubles of infertility.
Thank you so much Dr Van Schouwenburg (retired) for being there every step of the way. You were kind, honest and explained everything in detail, which is what I needed. You were always on our side.
Please find pictures of our son, Oliver. Born 31st August 2020. One picture is from the hospital and the other is now at 4 months old.
Laura and Kieran

Good evening, I’m patient 60601 of Dr Van Schouwenburg (retired). I gave birth on Tuesday, October 13 at precisely 37 weeks and 5 days. The child is female and weighed 2,490 kilograms, he is in good health. you will find attached pictures of the child while I wait for me to send you pictures. Thank you for making me a mother, God bless you. Josephe

Dear Dr Van Schouwenburg (retired), I realise I never updated you after my previous email. On 28 January at 38 weeks and 5 days I gave birth to very healthy twins. They are already nearly 9 months old and I now have started feeling robbed of time. Mila and Owen are the sweetest little souls who love each other so very much! We will forever be grateful for you and the Medfem team for making us a family of 4 (plus a few fur babies). Leola
Our greatest achievements are recognised by the many letters and photos we receive from our patients whom we have helped overcome infertility and give birth to a healthy baby. The thoughtful comments below are just several of the communications we receive regularly.
Miracle Baby: Karli – Living our bliss!
After 3 years of struggling to conceive, my husband and I met with Dr van Schouwenburg (retired) who walked the emotional journey with us for another 2 years, which eventually led to IVF. Today I truly respect and honour each member of the super professional team at Medfem Clinic who played such a significant role in making our dream a blissful reality. Our sweet baby girl was born on 17 Feb 2015. From administration through to the nurses, embryologists and Dr van Schouwenburg (retired), we are forever grateful for your guidance and support. So much compassion, love and care are rarely found elsewhere. Thank you for so many precious moments, being able to hold and cherish our sweet baby girl. Elsabé?
Little Girl Peverett? – Medfem Baby Emily – Now 2 years old.
Happy Easter! After 10 very long years and 9 fertility treatments later, our precious little princess completed our lives. A real answer to prayer and such a blessing to us. Love her to the moon and back! Robyn?
Babies Nel – We bought that Zambuk shirt after our first appointment with Dr Rod at Medfem. Daddy always has zambuk and we thought it appropriate. We had to jump through hoops and keep faith when the road seemed dark. All we hoped was for one miracle. One to wear that shirt. We never imagined a blessing of twins!!! We kept the faith and got up after being knocked down. And finally got our prayers answered. Double!! Keep the faith and never give up hope. Dreams do come true!! Dr Rod had a hand in bringing 8 children into our family collectively!! I cannot recommend him high enough. Thank you for what you do!!! Cathy
Baby Geldenhuys – My experience at Medfem Fertility Clinic was to die for. Every one of the staff are so kind and the doctors and nurses are so helpful. I will tell everybody to attend Medfem because they are tops. They are the best clinic I have ever seen and attended. Keep it up Medfem Fertility Clinic. Natasha
Daly Boys – What are little boys made of? Hugs, smiles, kisses, laughter, sweetness and love. We truly are blessed to have these precious boys in our lives. They have such fight and life in them. To think they were only 1.2kg, 1.5kg and 2.4 kg and yet we survived the trials and tribulations of ICU. Without Dr Rodrigues this would not have been possible and by the grace of God we now have 3 little characters in our house. Thanks to Medfem Fertility Clinic and all staff especially Dr R, Nurse Cathy and Hanli this would not have been possible. May all others that are trying to conceive be blessed, and enjoy your time with the Medfem Family!!! Kirstin
Baby Poole – My precious Brogan and the light of my life was born on 12 November 2013. My journey as a single mommy was made possible by Dr van Rensburg and the wonderfully caring staff at Medfem Clinic. I am so blessed and thankful that I am lucky enough to call myself a mom. Melissa
Mason twins – After years of trying and miscarriages we were blessed to fall pregnant with twins. Sadly our daughter Sadie passed away a day after birth due to genetic issues (my husband and I opted not to do genetic testing at the time). Our son Aaron is now 16 months old and an absolute joy in our lives. So grateful to Dr Rodrigues and team for making our dream of becoming parents a reality! Also so grateful for the time I had with Sadie, although short, she survived long enough to bring her brother safely into this world. With grateful thanks. Romy
Baby Pires – This is our Medfem angel! Dr Rodrigues & Mandy who helped us through 4 years… Until she came. Lerika
Baby Nicholls – We wanted a ittle miracle of our own more than anything for the longest time, but thought it was an absolute impossibility…then we went to Dr Van Schouwenburg (retired) and the medfem team and they changed our lives forever! After a sometimes emotionally draining journey that most people wont understand, ups and downs and what seemed like forever… we are now 6 months pregnant and eternally grateful to Dr Van Schouwenburg (retired) and the team for our little miracle! Thank-you from the bottom of our hearts for making our dream a reality xxx Taryn
Baby Kearney – Here is a photon of my Medfem baby…. arriving in a few short weeks! I cannot wait to hold him for the first time and breathe him all in. My experience at Medfem has been one that is so relaxed, and I truly believe that had a huge part to play in my baby boy making his way to us in May x Kate
Baby Kelleher Smith – Our precious little Easter mouse learning to walk on Easter Sunday morning. We will always be grateful to the entire team at Medfem Fertility Clinic for their support and assistance, in particular Dr Rodrigues, Sisters Heather, Hanlie and Krina, and Mandy. Without you our dream of becoming parents would never have been realised. Angela
Baby Muller – I also just wanted to share a picture of our precious little boy with you. Thank you Dr Van Rensburg and staff! He is healthy, happy and PEFECT in his mommy’s and daddy’s eyes! Anna-Rentia
Babies Kruger – Ons 2 engeltjies is vandag 4 maande oud!! Mieke en Zoe kruger. Dankie Dr van Schouenburg vir ons grootste blessing! Marchia
Baby Couve De Freitas – Thank you Dr Rodrigues and Medfem, for my beautiful IVF baby….. In no way a “”synthetic child” Genevieve
Baby Theron? – My precious little pie turned 1 on the 12/02/2015. This picture was taken at her party. Every day I am thankful for my little girl, she is a blessing in every way.
Dr Clark and the staff at Medfem Clinic were professional, compassionate and caring. My gratitude is eternal. The greatest blessing for me in life is to be a mommy – and you gave me that gift. I still get emotional when I think of the journey we went on and the gift you gave. I say my miracle girl was handmade in SA. Fran
Babies Marks – My three Medfem Miracle babies. Dr Rodrigues helped give us something money can’t buy . Between him and the Big Guy upstairs .. oh yes and in between that a lot of tears and prayers we were blessed. Celeste Caroline
Baby Burger? – This is our beautiful miracle Paisley! We were at Medfem, Dr Van Schouwenburg (retired) for 2 years before she was a heartbeat! She is now 14 months and an absolute blessing! Joan?
Baby Apker – Thank you to Dr Rodrigues and all the other Dr’s and staff. Your professionalism, compassion, kindness and expertise made a difficult journey bearable. Mark and I are forever grateful for the role you played. Riley is our perfect little miracle. It’s been the best 7 months of our life. You a blessing to us all. Thank you for all the hard work and for doing what you do. You rock!!!! Karen
Babies Jambaya – These are our two Medfem miracles, now six and four Thank you doctor Rodrigues, Mandy and the whole Medfem team. Mapipi
Baby Groenewald – Dr Rod and the Medfem team – after a 4 year long journey of heartache and endless hope, we were blessed to welcome our beautiful son Joshua into the world. 15 months now and such a wonderful little man! Thank you for helping us get there! Margeaux
Rosen-Gouws? Twin Boys – Our journey to getting pregnant was rather traumatic, not because of fertility issues but rather due to the callous attitude of some doctors towards us as a same sex couple trying to conceive. Not only are the doctors at Medfem Fertility Clinic leading experts in their field, but they are also accepting and compassionate towards anyone who wants to start a family. Our very first IVF worked and we have these two beautiful children to show for it. I will never be able to fully express my gratitude towards the staff at Medfem who consistently treated us with respect and dignity, and help us complete our family. Beth
Beautiful Richards girls – Our Medfem Babies smile emoticon Tailei is now four and Keatynn is almost two. We could never thank Dr Rodrigues and the rest of the Medfem team enough for comforting, supporting and guiding us through our fertility journey! When I look back on our time spent at Medfem it is always with happy and content heart. THANK YOU. Jenna?
Baby Van Der Westhuizen? – We struggled for 3 years with different gyneas and fell pregnant but lost the baby. Then we went to Dr van Schouwenburg (retired) and in 3 months time we were pregnant with a healthy little girl who is now four years old. Thanks so much dr van Schouwenburg (retired) we can’t imagine our lives without Jenica! Diana?
Cleeve-Edwards? Babies – The Cleeve-Edwards clan wish you guys a Happy Easter! Dr van Schouwenburg (retired) together with the lab and especially Natalie very dear to my heart blessed us with our angels. Kate and Seth are now 15 months old and Ethan is 7 and a half. A journey and a half. 12 years. Lots of tears. Much heartache. But all worth everything with the joy these little people bring into our lives. Kirsten?
Baby Parkin – Medfem Clinic and Dr Rodriguez, thank you for my angel! He’s 3 years old now. Michelle
Baby Blank – AMAZING! 16 000 babies and one of them was ours! Thanks Medfem Fertility Clinic. World Class. – Dawn
Baby Davis? – Thank you Medfem Fertility Clinic – Dr Rodrrigues for believing in me and making sure that baby Emily became a reality after a very long emotional journey! You have set me free from doubt and blessed my husband and I with most incredible gift! We are eternally grateful for Emily Jane Davis. Caroline
Baby Shah. Thank you Dr Rod and the amazing team at Medfem for the very precious gift of parenthood. Here’s a pic of our extremely active girl Nala. Rakhee
Baby Fölscher – Our little miracle Ethan Craig Fölscher born 03/02/2015 through the help of Medfem Fertility clinic. Excellent team and a special thanks to Dr. van Schouwenburg (retired). Linda
Baby Kopung Mkhwanazi – Thank you Medfem for making my dream a reality, after 7 years of struggling and complications I finally got a miracle baby. My 27 weeks miracle baby just turned 1 year old and is very healthy. Dr Clark and staff may God bless you. Palesa
Baby Du Preez – When my husband and I battled to fall pregnant, we went to see Dr Rodriguez. We fell pregnant only to find out that we were expecting twins. It was the happiest day of our lives. We sadly lost one of the babies but thankfully the one left was healthy. He is now 14 months old. It has been the best journey of our lives and owe all thanks to Dr Rodriguez. Mandy
Baby North – Dr Van Rensburg promised we would be pregnant by my 35th birthday. True to his word my birthday present was Edith our amazing daughter born on Valentine’s Day last year. We fought the odds my husband had issues as did I. Med Fem worked hard to solve our problems and so did we losing weight, eating right and taking the meds! I like to say we’re lucky but it wasn’t luck it was skill, experience and a fair wind… Hannah
Baby van der Hijden – Thank you Dr Clark for my precious baby girl. You are an amazing doctor and an amazing person. Mandy
Little Pierrard-Gibson? – Thank you Dr van Schouwenburg (retired) and nurse Heather for our energetic little bundle of joy Ashlyn Gibson who was born on the 2 March 2010 … this would have never been possible without you xxx Lizbeth?
Baby Kauffmann – Happy Easter Medfem. This is Hans Victor Kauffmann; turning two in June. When all our dreams where shattered Dr Van Schouwenburg (retired) was there to give hope. I believe Medfem is so successful because people working there enjoy their jobs and help patients not just to make money but because they still care.
I love the staff at Medfem day clinic hospital. Beverly and Rosemary always puts a smile on your face. Dr. Van Schouwenburg (retired) taught me to focus all my energy on the positive and what I really want. I wanted to heal and I really wanted a sibling for my daughter. My whole family and I are so thankful! MadCie
Baby Stromsoe – I could never in a million life times thank Medfem enough, especially Dr van Rensburg. My twins are now 4 years old, and my baby is 1. It was a long and difficult journey, but worth every step. Bronwyn
Baby Kritzinger – After 5 years of unsuccessful fertility treatment and millions of tears shed, with the help of Dr. Rodrigues at Medfem we were blessed with our little angel! Mianke is now 15 months old and a ray of sunshine in our lives. Odette
Baby Muller – Forever thankful! Your staff is amazing! Our gorgeous little boy just turned 2 in March. He is our little miracle baby and the love of our lives. Can’t emagine life without him. Anna-Rentia
Nel Twins – We were blessed with these two miracles after 4 years of trying to conceive. Dr Rodrigues was our Knight in shining armor. When I had lost all hope he kept me focussed and positive which kept me going. When I was sure pregnancy was an impossible dream he assured me it WOULD happen. And he was right. Thanks to Medfem I was blessed with my twins in July 2012. They have made my life complete. And worth living. And I thank Medfem and Dr Rod for getting us there!!! I am forever grateful xxx
Baby Apker? – Our beautiful Riley turned one in March. There are not enough words to describe our gratefulness and thankfulness to Medfem and Dr Rodrigues for the amazing role they played in making our dream come true. A dream we get to live each and every day. A dream of a lifetime. Riley is our most precious blessing. Can’t imagine life without her. Medfem you are amazing. You change lives. Thank you for the deepest part of my heart for all that you do, the hard work and dedication. Karen?
Baby de Villiers – Four years ago I had a kidney transplant, and the chances of me ever having my own baby were zero to none. With one of my check-ups with my Nephrologist, we spoke about me having a baby. My Professor then referred me to (as he said) “the best Doctor I know about – he is an absolute genius”. So we came to know Dr. Rodrigues and his wonderful team at Medfem. After a long process of finding a surrogate and going through all the legal issues. Dr. Rodrigues and his team did their magic and our little “BIG” miracle was born. Meyer was born on 33 weeks, and stopped growing normally on 25 weeks. At only 1.1kg he didn’t even need oxygen or any machines, and was only in ICU to pick up some weight. Our little fighter is 6 months today and weighs a proud 6.5kg’s. Therefore I will forever be thankful to Medfem and the caring, helpful and amazing people that work there. Karen
Baby Hoffman – Thank you to everyone at Medfem… We will never truly be able to articulate our gratitude!!! Emily Scarlett Hoffman turns 9 months this Saturday, and the journey thus far has been amazing – we look forward to a lifetime! Thank you again xx Kelly Mare’e
Thank you Dr Clark and the medferm staff for helping us become parents. Today our little girl is 4 weeks old. God bless you all. We will forever be grateful. Vhulenda?
Medfem blessed us with 3 beautiful children. A son who is 7 and 1 year old twins. Forever grateful to Dr Van Schouwenburg (retired) and Natalie. Kirsten
There are no words to describe the gratitude we have for the doctors, technicians and loving staff at Medfem. After struggling to fall pregnant for over 2 years – we were referred to Dr Van Rensburg, and started a brand new journey with him. A year later, and 2 operations in – we started with IVF. By the this time, even though we were trying our best to be positive, it was looking bleak and the road had been all uphill for so long. BUT – the eggs were good, and we put back 2. One of the little guys made it and we are now 13 weeks! Having a baby is a miracle indeed, and you guys have been instruments in our lil miracle, thank-you from the bottom of our hearts!! We’ll keep you posted as we go! Jen
Still amazed by our miracles everyday my eldest is now 7 and so very very gratefull xx Tania
I went to Dr Clark after struggling to conceive. He performed a minor surgery and 3 month later I expected!! She is almost 10 months old and I am still walking on a cloud!! Lizelle
I believe that for people that are suffering through infertility and other problems, the care and attention they get at this clinic is wonderful. I was blessed with my little boy 3 years ago and am still under treatment there and I never leave there feeling less than cared for. A wonderful team! Christine Melanie Girvin
Ons het in 2011 deel geword van die medfem familie, onseker en bang was ons eerste dag. Vinnig was ons omring deur vriendelike gesigte en Dr. van Schouwenburg (retired) met baie hoop!!!!! Vir die eerste keer het ons gevoel dis waar ons hoort, om omring te wees met uitsekende personeel en Dr. van Schouwenburg (retired) wat in soveel passie leef om, om te gee ,te ondersteun en te verstaan waardeur ons gaan!!! Met oneindige groot vreugde!!!!! is ons baba dogtertjie in 2013 gebore!!! Met soveel dankbaarheid, weet ons alles was die moeite werd!!! N groot dankie aan Dr. van Schouwenburg (retired), Sr. Hanlie en Sr. Cornie om altyd daar te wees, met ondersteuning en liefde!! N groot dankie ook aan al Medfem se uitsetekende teater tot labratoruim personeel!! Mag dit wat julle doen n groot vreugde wees!!! Rudolf en Zeltha
Medfem brought our miracle baby to life. A dream come true. Our journey was supported by a loving, caring staff every step of the way.
Dr Clark and the whole Medfem team are fantastic. Everyone involved is gentle, supportive and offers personalised care. I would definitely recommend Medfem.
>With sincere thanks to Dr Rodrigues, Sr Heather and Sr Krina, Mandy, and all the other staff who assisted in the creation of our little miracle baby girl. From the front receptionists to the back rooms, everyone was so personable, and very helpful in every aspect of our procedures. Everyone went out of their way to turn a difficult infertility journey into a more comfortable experience. Our little girl is the most precious gift we could ever be bestowed with. We are eternally grateful to you.
It has been the most amazing experience in the most trying times. The whole IVF process was so professional and personal at the same time. Dr Clark was truly caring, supportive and patient. He always responded to emails and phone calls. The staff at the clinic were amazing. One never felt just like another patient number. My life has changed with your assistance and I welcomed the birth of my beautiful baby girl this year.
My experience with Medfem was great from start to finish. Dr Clark is such an incredibly wonderful doctor and man. He changed our lives forever and I would recommend him again and again. All the staff, from the receptionists, to the nurses, even the accounts ladies were friendly and very helpful.
We were so grateful to have a doctor that did not just treat us as another case but as a couple who had been through so much to fall pregnant. We thus always left Medfem feeling hopeful as the doctors, nurses and other staff were compassionate about our individual case which you would not expect since they deal with so many families.
Sam and Gunter
Although we tried a few IVF’s we never succeeded in getting pregnant, but I can’t fault Medfem or the staff, nurses or Doctors for their support and care during those trying years. They helped every way they could and went beyond. I always felt important and that I mattered, not just like another number. Thank you Medfem 🙂
I would have given you 10 stars if I could. May the Lord bless each and every staff member and Dr at Medfem. Our gorgeous little boy just turned 18months yesterday. He is such a blessing and a true miracle.
Doctors and staff are amazing.
Elle (2013)
Rachel (2013)