For Physicians

Female Workup
In any fertility work-up, both male and female partners are tested if pregnancy fails to occur after a year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse if the woman if younger than 35, or after six months if the woman is older than 35. Fertility testing is particularly important if a woman is over 35 years old or if either partner has known risk factors for infertility. An analysis of the man’s semen should be performed before the female partner undergoes any invasive testing.
Male Workup
Male infertility is directly or indirectly responsible for roughly 50% of cases involving reproductive-age couples with fertility-related issues. Unfortunately, the evaluation of male infertility is often underestimated or postponed. An evaluation of the infertile male using standardised procedures improves both diagnostic precision and the results of subsequent management in terms of treatment effectiveness, risk and costs.
Referral Information
Founded in 1992, we specialise in infertility treatments, treating reproductive disorders of the female and male partner – including problems related to ovulation, sperm production and function, tubal occlusion, conception, and hormone disorders. We will provide your patient with expert diagnosis of infertility disorders and the most advanced and effective fertility treatments, as well as emotional support, to assist them throughout their treatment.
Training Seminars for GP’s and Gynaecologists
Medfem Fertility Clinic is committed to offering regular educational programs for GP’s and gynaecologists. Our seminars offer first class training on the latest developments and concepts in infertility treatments.
If you would like information on our forthcoming seminars please email