You Change Lives

Our beautiful Riley turned one in March. There are not enough words to describe our gratefulness and thankfulness to Medfem and Dr Rodrigues for the amazing role they played in making our dream come true. A dream we get to live each and every day. A dream of a lifetime. Riley is our most precious blessing. Can’t imagine life without her. Medfem you are amazing. You change lives. Thank you for the deepest part of my heart for all that you do, the hard work and dedication.

Karen Apker‎ (2015)

Thank you to Dr Rodrigues and all the other Dr’s and staff. Your professionalism, compassion, kindness and expertise made a difficult journey bearable. Mark and I are forever grateful for the role you played. Riley is our perfect little miracle. It’s been the best 7 months of our life. You a blessing to us all. Thank you for all the hard work and for doing what you do. You rock!!!!

Karen Apker‎ (2014)


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