When it comes to fertility and infertility there is a plethora of terminology to learn and understand. If you’ve checked out any of the leading fertility forums and fertility blogs you will have noticed that fertility language includes a long list of acronyms. To help you navigate the language of fertility the following table is a guide to common fertility acronyms.
Common Fertility Acronyms
- 2WW 2 Week Wait
- ACA Anti-cardiolipin Antibody
- ACTH Adrenal Carticotropic Hormone
- AF Aunt Flo, After Flo, Period, or Menstrual Cycle
- AH Assisted Hatching
- AI Artificial/Assisted Insemination
- ADA Anti-DNA antibodies
- ANA Anti-nuclear Antibodies
- APA Anti-phospholipid Antibodies
- APS Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome
- APTT Activated Partial Thrombo Time
- ART Assisted Reproductive Technology
- ASA Anti-sperm Antibody
- BA Baby Aspirin
- BBT Basal Body Temperature
- BCP Birth Control Pills
- BD Baby Dance (sex)
- Beta HCG pregnancy test
- BFN Big Fat Negative
- B/W Bloodwork
- CAH Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
- CASA Computer-assisted Semen Analysis
- CB Cycle Buddy
- CBAVD Congenital Bilateral Absence of Vas Deferens
- CCCT, CCT Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test (Clomid Challenge Test)
- CGT Couple Genetic Testing
- CD Cycle Day
- CF Cystic Fibrosis
- CM Cervical Mucus
- CMV Cytomegalovirus
- CNM Certified Nurse Midwife
- COH Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation
- CP Cervical Position
- CPFM ClearPlan Fertility Monitor (Brand Name)
- CVS Chorionic Villae Sampling
- D&C Dilation & Curettage
- D&E Dilation & Evacuation
- DE Donor Eggs
- DES Diethylstillbestrol
- DH Dear Husband
- DHEAS Dihydroepiandrosterone
- DI Donor Husband
- DIPI Direct Intra-peritoneal Insemination
- DOR Diminished Ovarian Reserve
- DPO Days Post-Ovulation
- DPR Days Post-Retrieval
- DPT Days Post-Transfer
- DP3DT Days Post 3-Day Transfer
- DP5DT Days Post 5-Day Transfer
- DW Dear Wife
- Dx Diagnosis
- E2 Estradiol
- EB, EMB Endometrial Biopsy
- ENDO Endometriosis
- EPT Early Pregnancy Test
- ER Egg Retrieval
- ET Egg Transfer
- ETA Embryo Toxicity Assay
- ETF Embryo Toxicity Factor
- FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
- FBG Fasting Blood Glucose
- FI Fasting Insulin
- FF Fertility Friend
- FHR Fetal Heart Rate
- FP Follicular Phase
- FM Fertility Mucus or Fertility Monitor
- FRED Fertility Response Early Detection (Brand Name)
- Frostie Frozen Embryo
- FSH Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
- FTTA Fertile Thoughts to All
- GD Gestational Diabetes
- GI Gastrointestinal
- GIFT Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer
- GnRH Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone
- GP General Practitioner
- GT Genetic Testing
- GTT Glucose Tolerance Test
- hCG, HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
- hMG, HMG Human Menopausal Gonadotropin
- HCP Health Care Practitioner
- HEPA Hampster Egg Penetration Assay
- HPT Home Pregnancy Test
- HRT Hormone Replacement Therapy
- HSC Hysteroscopy
- HSG Hysterosalpingogram
- HX History
- IBT Immunobead Binding Test
- ICI Intra-cervical Insemination
- ICSI Intra-cytoplamic Sperm Injection
- IF Infertility
- IGTT Insulin and Glucose Tolerance Test
- INCIID International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination
- IM Intramuscular injections
- IOR Immature Oocyte Retrieval
- IR Insulin Resistant
- ITI Intra-tubal Insemination
- IUGR Intra-uterine Growth Retardation
- IUI Intra-uterine Insemination
- IVC Intra-vaginal Culture
- IVF/ET In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Transfer
- IVF In Vitro Fertilisation
- IVIg Intravenous Immunoglobulin
- LA Lupus anticoagulant
- LAD Leukocyte Antibody Detection Assay
- LAP Laparoscopy
- LH Luteinizing Hormone
- LIT Leukocyte Immunisation Therapy
- LMP Last Menstrual Period (start date)
- LOL Laughing Out Loud
- LP Luteal-Phase
- LPD Luteal-Phase Defect
- LSP Low Sperm Count
- LUF, LUFS Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome
- MESA Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration
- MF Male Factor
- M/C Miscarriage
- NFT Natural Fertility Treatment
- NT Nuchal Translucency scan
- NKC Natural Killer Cells
- OHSS Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
- OI Ovulation Induction
- OPK Ovulation Prediction Kit
- OPU Oocyte Pick-Up
- OT Ovulation Tracking
- OV Oocyte Vitrification
- OW Oocyte Warming
- PCHCP Preconception Health Care Preparation
- PCO Polycystic Ovaries
- PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- PESA Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration
- PGD Pre-implanatation Genetic Diagnosis
- PICSI Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm
- POAS Pee On A Stick
- RE Reproductive Endocrinologist
- RO Right Ovary
- SA Sperm/Semen Analysis
- SD Sperm Donor
- SIUI Stimulated IUI
- SMU Second Morning Urine
- SURR Surrogate
- TD Treatment Day
- TB Testicular Biopsy
- TESE Testicular Sperm Extraction
- TTC Trying To Conceive
- Trigger hCG shot given to induce ovulation
- TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
- WFP Wait For Period
- WIC Where In Cycle