Can Fallopian Tubes be Unblocked Naturally?


If you are looking for ways to unblock fallopian tubes naturally, you will find a variety of interesting recommendations.

In this article, we take a look at some of the suggestions that are often made for unblocking fallopian tubes naturally, as well as two highly effective treatments used by fertility specialists to help you achieve pregnancy despite having damaged or blocked fallopian tubes. Which treatment is right for your unique situation will depend on various factors that are also explained in more detail below.

Treatments often suggested to unblock fallopian tubes naturally

A quick online research will deliver a wide range of suggestions on how to unblock fallopian tubes naturally.

These suggestions aim generally to address inflammation in the fallopian tubes and elsewhere in body, and to boost fertility. Most can claim success in increasing fertility, such as a healthy diet and exercise including yoga; and many are gaining popularity over time, such as fertility massages or vaginal steaming. Unfortunately, few are scientifically tested or proven specifically for the ability to unblock fallopian tubes.

The suggestions also include Vitamin C, for its ability to heal scarring; turmeric and ginger which are naturally anti-inflammatory; garlic which has been studied for its fertility-boosting properties; as well as Ayruvedi (Lodhra) and Chinese (Dong Quai and Mugwort) medicines – that are specifically recommended for unblocking fallopian tubes, but has not yet been proven scientifically.

Other treatments available to unblock fallopian tubes

There are two other options that will allow you to have da successful pregnancy even if your fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged.

The first is repairing your fallopian tubes with advanced microsurgery called tubal surgery.

The other option is in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment – which does not unblock the tubes, but rather bypasses the function of the fallopian tubes to achieve pregnancy. This is used in cases where it is not possible to repair the damage or remove the blockage.

Both these treatments for damaged or blocked fallopian tubes require the expertise of qualified specialists. We look at each of these two treatments in more detail below.

Unblocking Fallopian Tubes with Tubal Surgery

Minimally invasive surgery (also called laparoscopy) is used today by skilled surgeons to repair a fallopian tube. Depending on the position of the damage or blockage to the fallopian tubes – and the severity of the damage – this maybe an option.

Under a general anaesthetic, you will sleep during the procedure. Minimally invasive surgery involves small incision in your umbilicus, through which a tiny camera is placed, allowing the specialist to look directly into your abdomen and pelvis to evaluate and potentially treat gynaecological problems such as scar tissue, adhesions and endometriosis. Once a diagnosis is made or the problem is removed (or both), the incisions sewn shut. In most cases, you will go home the same day.

Most women experience bloating, abdominal discomfort and/or back and shoulder tip pain for 24-48 hours after surgery. This pain should not be severe and should gradually improve over a day or two. You may also feel abdominal bloating, nausea, abdominal cramps, or constipation. Most patients can resume normal activities within a few days to one week. It is absolutely essential that only a competent qualified fertility specialist perform this advanced surgery.

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Treatment

If your fallopian tubes cannot be unblocked or repaired naturally or by surgery, another treatment option is In Vitro-Fertilisation (IVF).

In vitro fertilisation treatment was originally developed for women with damaged or missing fallopian tubes almost 40 years ago. Since 1983, more than 5 million babies have been born worldwide as a result of IVF treatment, with success rates comparable – and even superior – to those of nature.

In the simplest terms, IVF treatment is a process of assisted reproduction where the egg and sperm are fertilised outside of the body to form an embryo, which is then transferred to the uterus to hopefully implant and become a pregnancy.

However, IVF treatment is not a single event, but rather a series of procedures that are completed over five stages to complete a treatment cycle. IVF treatments commence with a course of hormone therapy to stimulate the development of several follicles in the ovary. Under ultrasound guidance, these are then punctured with a specialised needle to retrieve eggs, which are then fertilised in a petri dish (‘in vitro’ which literally means ‘in glass’) to create several embryos. After three to five days in an incubator, one or two of these embryos are transferred through the vagina to the uterus, where implantation occurs and pregnancy begins. The whole process from commencement of ovarian stimulation up to the embryo transfer stage usually takes just under three weeks.

Which treatment do I need?

Which one of the treatments available is the one that is right for you? In short, the position and severity of the damage or blockage in your fallopian tubes will determine which treatment is right for you. Remember, if there is a total blockage of the fallopian tube, the sperm and egg will be prevented from meeting and producing an embryo. But there could also be other damage to the fallopian tubes.

Only a qualified fertility specialist will be able to determine whether your fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged, and by what, as well as where the damage or blockage is – and how severe the blockage or damage is.

This is determined through the use of a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) or pelvic x-ray. During the procedure a special dye is injected into the uterine cavity, allowing your specialist to see the damage or blockage on the x-ray of the uterus and tubes, which is taken at the same time.

Possible damage includes reduced flexibility of the fallopian tube, which means that it can’t pick up the egg when it is released from the ovary. There may be damage to the inside wall of the fallopian tube, preventing an embryo from moving down to the uterus, which could result in an ectopic pregnancy, where the embryo attaches to the side wall of the fallopian tube, resulting in the tube rupturing at about seven weeks pregnancy duration.

A qualified fertility specialist will be able to determine the position and extent of the damage and advise you about the treatment that is most likely to result in a successful pregnancy.

Where to go to unblock fallopian tubes

Our team at Medfem Fertility Clinic believes in making world-class fertility treatments available for everyone. We offer advanced microsurgical treatments and in vitro fertilisation, as well as specialist, proven lifestyle advice, as treatment to unblock fallopian tubes.

For all our patients we recommend StaminoGro and Comega Vite supplements that are available over-the-counter and recommended by fertility experts for their role in boosting fertility, as they contain certain vitamins, minerals, herbs and other amino acids. Our expert team also recommends a few lifestyle changes such as improved nutrition, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and managing stress.

It is our joy and commitment to give you a positive outcome to your fertility journey, so you will have a fond memory of feeling empathy, caring and being part of the Medfem Fertility Clinic family.

If you would like to know more about how to unblock fallopian tubes, simply click here to book an initial consultation or contact us telephonically on +27 (11) 463 2244.

We look forward to meeting you!



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