The 26th annual Johannesburg Pride Celebration & Parade takes place 31 October 2015 at Wanderers rugby fields. The theme for 2015 is ‘I AM WHO I AM’.

Johannesburg Pride is the largest celebration of its kind on the African continent, and has been described as highly incredible.

Why do we have Johannesburg Pride?
Pride is a positive stance against discrimination and violence towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, + people. The event provides a platform to promote our self-affirmation, dignity, equal rights, increase visibility as a social group, build our community, as well as celebrate sexual diversity and gender variance. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook.

By supporting us you are empowering awareness and goodwill.

The theme ‘I AM WHO I AM’ is about not judging a person for who they are, embracing diversity, and to have tolerance for who others are. In South Africa we have the freedom to love and to be ourselves; it’s not like this everywhere else in the world. Many face harassment, imprisonment or the death penalty just for being different.

To learn more about Johannesburg Pride and to get regular updates please visit our website or our facebook page Johannesburg Pride.

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